A Town Rich in History
Downtown Colonial Beach, Inc. was originally formed in cooperation with the town in 2015 and became a 501(c)(3) and Virginia Main Street Affiliate in 2016. After a productive period from 2015-2017 in which DCB formed the four committees and engaged in efforts focused on the beautification of Colonial Beach, DCB turned over its board in 2018-2019 and developed its most significant fundraiser and town promotion in 2019, the Osprey Festival.
In 2020, DCB raised matching funds and applied for a Department of Historic Resources cost share grant to survey part of the downtown for a potential historic district. In 2021, DCB applied for and administered a Virginia Main Street Affiliates’ grant to develop streetscapes of downtown, as well as publish and distribute the results to realtors, developers, and businesses. In early 2022, DCB turned its board over, re-formed the four Main Street committees and focused on organizational development.
We now believe we are poised as never before to advance in terms of both our internal organizational development and our outreach to and connections with our broader community.